Meet Dylan Achor

Dylan is a 14 year old 8th grader.

Dylan’s family is german and he doesn’t mind one bit.

When he grows up, he wants to be an archaeologist and will be “digging up T-Rexes” in no time. When I asked why he wanted to be an archaeologist, he told me that he played the game Fossil Fighters (all three of them) and found it so fun, he wanted to do it in real life.

In his school, Dylan is part of the Robotics team and is a recipient of the Principal’s Award.

Aside from being a student and doing extracurricular activities, Dylan is involved with the Boy Scouts. He has 23 badges and his least favorite to acquire was his environmental sciences badge. “We were in the woods in Mississippi alone writing down things about nature in notebooks everyday for like 5 days striaght,” Dylan said. This was only a year ago. He is excited to eventually work for his Eagle Requirement badges.

When asked what he cares about the most he said, “My friends. Especially the ones I hang out with.” He mentioned that he talks his friend, William, everyday and invited me to meet him.

I met Dylan at Ruppel Academy for Advanced Studies.


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